- When you use multiple Twitter accounts, the following message will appear if the account logged in with Tweet Reader is different from the account used for "additional authentication". Please use the same account.
The `id` query parameter value [0123] must be the same as the authenticating user [4567]
- The Twitter app does not support "additional authentication", for now.
- If the authentication site is displayed, but the authentication itself does not work, please check that your browser version is up to date.
- The authentication site may not be displayed in the basic browser installed on Android from the beginning. In that case, please install a browser such as Chrome.
- At the time of additional authentication, the browser selection screen might be displayed. If you select Chrome, it might transition to the Twitter app in an instant and close. As a result, the authentication site might not be displayed.
- If the Twitter app is not installed, the Twitter authentication site should certainly be displayed.
[Multiple Logins]
- Additional authentication does not support multiple logins by the same account. When using Tweet Reader on multiple Android devices, the latest additional authentication will be active.