Jan 8, 2023

If the app has stopped due to some errors,

  1. If the app's version is not up to date, please try to Updata the App.
  2. Please try to Clear App Cache or Clear App Data.
  3. Please try to Restart your Device.
  4. Please try to Re-install the App. * Please be careful about saving downloaded videos.
  5. Please tell me how to reproduce the error and your Android version by commenting on this article, reviewing, tweeting (@HotChaiLLC), etc. I'll investigate.
    * Due to Google's specification change, even if you use "Send feedback" displayed when an error occurs, the message will not reach me.
    * Apps downloaded from other than Google Play, Microsoft store, Amazon Appstore are not supported.


  1. ご利用のバージョンが最新でなければ、アプリのアップデートをお試し下さい。
  2. アプリのキャッシュの削除、データの削除をお試し下さい。
  3. 端末の再起動をお試し下さい。
  4. アプリの再インストールをお試し下さい。※ダウンロードした動画の保存にご注意下さい。
  5. この記事へのコメント、レビュー、ツイート(@HotChaiLLC)等で、エラーの再現方法と、ご利用のAndroidのバージョンをお知らせ下さい。お調べ致します。
    Google PlayMicrosoft storeAmazon Appstore 以外からダウンロードしたアプリにつきましては、対応しかねます。

Sep 17, 2022

About the Bookmarks (Android)


[Additional Authentication]

- When you use multiple Twitter accounts, the following message will appear if the account logged in with Tweet Reader is different from the account used for "additional authentication". Please use the same account.

 The `id` query parameter value [0123] must be the same as the authenticating user [4567] 

- "Additional authentication" in a browser is required for using the Bookmarks.

- The Twitter app does not support "additional authentication", for now.

- If the authentication site is displayed, but the authentication itself does not work, please check that your browser version is up to date.

- The authentication site may not be displayed in the basic browser installed on Android from the beginning. In that case, please install a browser such as Chrome.

- At the time of additional authentication, the browser selection screen might be displayed. If you select Chrome, it might transition to the Twitter app in an instant and close. As a result, the authentication site might not be displayed.

- If the Twitter app is not installed, the Twitter authentication site should certainly be displayed.

[Multiple Logins]
- Additional authentication does not support multiple logins by the same account. When using Tweet Reader on multiple Android devices, the latest additional authentication will be active.



〇Twitterで複数アカウントを利用している場合、Tweet Readerでログイン中のアカウントと、「追加認証」時に使用したアカウントが異なると、下記のメッセージが表示されます。同一アカウントで追加認証して下さい。

 The `id` query parameter value [0123] must be the same as the authenticating user [4567] 







〇追加認証は、同じアカウントによる多重ログインに対応していません。複数のAndroid端末でTweet Readerを使用する場合、最新の追加認証が有効になります。

Jul 11, 2022

How to turn on Dark Mode / Dark theme?

In the theme color pull-down, select either of the last 2 colors to enter Dark Mode / Dark theme. (only for Android app)

After Android 10, the dark theme is automatically applied when the app is launched while the device is in the dark theme.



Android 10 以降は、端末がダークテーマの状態でアプリを起動すると、自動的にダークテーマが適用されます。