Jul 11, 2022

How to turn on Dark Mode / Dark theme?

In the theme color pull-down, select either of the last 2 colors to enter Dark Mode / Dark theme. (only for Android app)

After Android 10, the dark theme is automatically applied when the app is launched while the device is in the dark theme.



Android 10 以降は、端末がダークテーマの状態でアプリを起動すると、自動的にダークテーマが適用されます。

Feb 13, 2022



ログインに失敗する(「JavaScript is not available.」「Nothing to see here」といったエラーが表示される)場合は、下記をお試し下さい。



Fail to login (Android)


If you fail to log in (shown errors such as "JavaScript is not available.", "Nothing to see here", and so on), please try the followings.

1. Use your "Username (e.g. 'HotChaiLLC' or '@HotChaiLLC')", not your "Email address".

2. Check your username and password.

Oct 13, 2021

App doesn't start up.


If the app does not start or crashes after installation,
Try to delete all the data related to Tweet Reader.

Settings > Apps > Tweet Reader > Storage
- Clear data
- Clear cache



Tweet Readerに関する全てのデータを削除してみて下さい。

設定 > アプリ > Tweet Reader > ストレージ