Jan 9, 2023

Physical Keyboard Shortcuts (Android, Win11)

All Screens

Press this key

To do this

Alt + ←

Go to the previous screen.


Maximize the window. Undo maximize.

Timeline Screen

Press this key

To do this

Scroll timeline.

Scroll timeline.
At the top, a long press loads new tweets.

← or →

A long press goes to the left or right screen.

Alt + H

Go to Home timeline.

Alt + M

Go to Mentions timeline.

Alt + F

Go to Likes timeline.

Alt + B

Go to Bookmarks timeline.

Alt + U

Go to your User timeline.

Alt + O

Open / Close the Options Menu.

PageUp or PageDown

Scroll timeline, quickly.

Ctrl + F

Open the search box.


Close the search box.


Go back to the top of the list and refresh the list.

Image Screen

Press this key

To do this

← or →

Go to the left or right image.

↑ or ↓

Exit image screen.

Video Screen

Press this key

To do this


Pause or Play video.

Rewind the video.

Ctrl + ←

Rewind to the beginning of the video.

Fast forward the video.

↑ or ↓

Exit video screen.

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